Saturday, March 13, 2010

Worst night ever.

Well... I am not enjoying the whole quitting smoking experience. Last night was probably the worst night of sleep i have ever had. The withdrawals have kicked in hard and i am suffering pretty bad. I feel bad because i am hopeless at the moment. I feel like i cant do anything. I went to the doctors yesterday and she told me i was burnt out. I have no reserves left. My tank is empty. That's exactly how i feel. I remember last time i tried to quit it was with Champix. It was working well but it made me cranky. Really really cranky and you ask Nic and she will tell you exactly that. It nearly ruined my relationship. Even though she was supporting me heaps, it felt as if it wasn't good enough. This time, I just feel empty. Like there is nothing inside but blank. I was having the weirdest dreams last night about parts for cars and i couldn't sleep until i had all these parts with what they needed to be with. I was awake about every hour and it was crap. The next few days are going to be spent resting. Must get as much rest as possible. I have a full packet of smokes here in the house but i don't know where Nic has put them. I guess with having them here its good because i know that if i want one, there here which kinda makes me want to quit more. If i had none here then i think i would break because i know I'd have to go and find one. Anyways, it makes sense in my head. Day 4 and no smoking... Its only the beginning but its a start :)

Take it easy,



  1. Hey Shane! I just wanted to say I think what you are doing is very brave and to be commended. It's the best decision you could ever make for yourself and your family! I'm sorry you are having such a hard time with it though. I wish I could offer some kind of tip, but when I quit it was cold turkey and I didn't find it difficult at all. Sure, I had gotten used to that routine of smoking, eg when I had a coffee in the morning I usually had a smoke at the same time so I missed that routine but I didn't miss the cigarettes themselves so I can't imagine how hard it must be when addicted to not only the routine, but the nicotine also! I think though now that you are taking care of the nicotine cravings (using mints aren't you?) that all you have to do is break the routine, which can be just as hard! Distraction has to be the key I reckon, when you would normally be having a smoke, do something else. Have a large glass of water, practice your guitar for 5 mins (when able)...txt someone, listen to a song (a song usually takes as long to listen to as a cigarette does to smoke). It's all about filling "smoking time" with something else until you just stop thinking of wanting to smoke! It might take 6 weeks, it may take 6 months...but it will happen! One last little thing....the phrase 'I'll just have one, I'll be fine. Can get back to quitting tomorrow' should never come into your head. I found it so much harder when I 'surrendered' to my want rather than fighting it, but that's me.. I'm stubborn and when I set my mind to something then it gets done.

    Good Luck, can't last forever! The bad times will end, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Take it one craving at a time, control what you can now and don't even worry about what will come next. You can control each craving, in that moment..not the one that will come in an hour or two so just focus on one at a time. You will get there! Get some rest and I will see you tomorrow at the baby shower?


  2. Hi Shane, You can do it, stay strong you will get there! Good Luck.


  3. Hey my hubby quit last year (cold turkey)
    you need to change your routine to chance your habbits.
    if you had a smoke after eating find something else to do.
    if you had it with coffee dont drink coffee as much try a juice.
    there are inhalers out now that you could try.
    but the main thing is you need to find you (something) thats gunna replace a smoke (not a drink :) ) hubby chose tea tree tooth picks worked quit well when he felt like a smoke he started chewing on one of those.
    watch your eating hubby put on a good 20 kg in like 6 month :(
    really the best thing you can do isnt going cold turkey just cut down try smoking 3 a day for a week then 2 a day for a week then down to 1 trust me it will make you feel alot better because what your body is going through is hell.
    good luck with it all and just remeber what your doing it for that should give you the will power to keep it up.
