Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My how they all have grown

January 2nd, 2013. Holy shit that last year went quick. What a weird one. It was good, but pretty disappointing. Hit the low of my depression and it nearly ended Or should i say nearly ended my marriage. I have watched my kids grow from little people to slightly bigger little people. I have one starting grade 3 this year, on in her final year of day care and the other one just taking leaps and bounds on wards and upwards. Yeah, i have set myself some goals for 2013 to try and make it a better year, no no, wait... the BEST year so far. I saw a picture of a friend who had lost 20kg's in the past 12 months and he looks fantastic. I wish he lived closer coz i would be training with him every morning. I know this makes me grumpy but it is now nearly the end of day 2 and i still haven't had a smoke OH... and no beer either. I have an appointment 5 days to finally find out what is wrong with my thyroid. They dont know if it is hyper or hypo active. They said the hormone levels are fine but the antibodies are attacking my thyroid. (someone understand that?!?) Anyways, just a quick touch base. Here are some of my favorite pics from 2012.

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