Friday, January 18, 2013

Take my hand and walk with me...

Hi there. So, the thing about being an average dad, is the fact you deal with average things. Life throws you continuous curve balls and my wife and i are now facing another. It is dealing with depression in a 7 year old boy. My step son. I have seen this kid grow since he was 2 years, 3 months and 10 days (about)and now, he is facing one of life's many hurdles, bullies and his piers. Today, i took some time out to write something inspired for him. It goes like this...

There’s no need to close your eye’s son
I know exactly where you’ve been.
I’ve felt unwanted feelings,
I know what’s left unseen.
Your heavy heart will soon lift,
I’ll be there by your side.
Take my hand, now your first step…
C’mon son, let’s not hide.

I know it feels impossible
As if they’ve already won.
But it’s my job to teach you
All that I learnt as a son.
One day things will be different.
All the meanies moved away.
Trust me when I say to you
That life turns out okay.

Now take my hand and walk with me,
I’m right here by your side.
I’m not afraid to carry you,
Let’s fill ourselves with pride.
Along the way you’ll fall down,
Just remember I’m right here.
Now take that step and walk with me,
Away from all your fear.

  No matter what buddy, I will ALWAYS be your dad :D Hug someone close to you today, they will remember it tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My afternoon at the doctors

Hi. So yesterday i had an appointment which i had been waiting for for around 2 months. Turns out there is nothing wrong with me. I was secretly hoping there WAS something wrong with my thyroid so i had an excuse for being cranky and overweight but it just turns out, it is MY fault. So... Off to the gym i went yesterday and signed up and spent 5am this morning riding an exercise 120KG's is not on! Not acceptable Shane. Time to budge the fat once and for all. I will keep you updated with how i go. Still no cigarettes after a week. Cravings getting less. I am loving the fact that everything is starting to taste nicer. Cannot wait until the vege's in my back garden grow. Til next time, Cya

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My how they all have grown

January 2nd, 2013. Holy shit that last year went quick. What a weird one. It was good, but pretty disappointing. Hit the low of my depression and it nearly ended Or should i say nearly ended my marriage. I have watched my kids grow from little people to slightly bigger little people. I have one starting grade 3 this year, on in her final year of day care and the other one just taking leaps and bounds on wards and upwards. Yeah, i have set myself some goals for 2013 to try and make it a better year, no no, wait... the BEST year so far. I saw a picture of a friend who had lost 20kg's in the past 12 months and he looks fantastic. I wish he lived closer coz i would be training with him every morning. I know this makes me grumpy but it is now nearly the end of day 2 and i still haven't had a smoke OH... and no beer either. I have an appointment 5 days to finally find out what is wrong with my thyroid. They dont know if it is hyper or hypo active. They said the hormone levels are fine but the antibodies are attacking my thyroid. (someone understand that?!?) Anyways, just a quick touch base. Here are some of my favorite pics from 2012.