Tuesday, November 30, 2021


When does the shit fight end? When does the finger stop being pointed at you all the time? When does the shift begin to become a better human? When does life throw you a life jacket and say hey... It's okay?

I feel so incredibly broken.
Like a part of me was stripped away.
My words have slowly been taken,
there's nothing more for me to say.
I'm sure these shoulders have weakened,
I see the crumbling below me.
Just put one foot before the other,
There's so much more than you can see.

I don't know how to repair this
clusterfuck I call my life.
My thoughts are twisted and shaded,
slipping further down this knife.
I thought that I'd made some changes,
but now my progress seems to fade.
They've made me feel it was all my fault,
I'm tired of being in this masquerade.

I think I'll start my retreat now,
I'll disappear without a trace.
Imagine feeling appreciated?!
It's something right now that I'd embrace.
I feel the rainfall around me,
at least it's hiding all my tears.
I don't know how much more I can handle.
I'm living out some of my worst fears.